Trail Heads & Overlooks at Valley Forge National Historic Park
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
Valley Forge National Historic Park is looking to develop concepts for trail heads and overlooks within its Grand Parade. The site itself consists of a large meadow area, paths for vehicular and pedestrian use, woodland edges, and a portion of remediated land. The concept looks to provide visitors with a better understanding of the many ecological functions of the site while exploring how land use can affect local ecosystems. Given the history of the site, there are many opportunities to examine how past users have affected the land, and how this generation is working to amend it. Sketches for the proposed structures incorporate materials that reference the site. Interventions could range in size and message based on the location and its surroundings. Inventory and analysis diagrams have provided the necessary understanding to determine what those spaces and interventions should be. As the design moves forward, the team will be working with the friends group and the National Park Service to create a concept that will serve as a blueprint for the park.